We want to get to know God better, to discover more about him through his living word and to experience his presence in our lives. We believe that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus transforms our lives, now and for eternity.
Abbey is a busy church family, with many people giving their time and contributing to our shared life together as part of the body of Christ.
Abbey is led by an eldership team:
Chris Hawthorne: After pastoral ministry in London and then serving as principal of the Proclamation Institute Zambia, Chris became a pastor with us in January 2023. Helen, his wife, and their family are also part of the church. Among other interests Chris likes to play music and loves keeping ants and fish.
From right to left:
Graeme Stonell has lived in Abingdon and been part of Abbey for many years. He is a scientist working at nearby Harwell. He is married with two adult daughters.
Born in Cardiff, Peter Akrill works as a toxicologist in Abingdon. He is married to Karen and they have three sons. Peter has been a Christian since he was eleven years old and enjoys playing sport, particularly football and golf, and can often be found running the local parkrun.
John Lipp came to faith as a teenager in the north of Scotland. After studying engineering, he moved to Oxfordshire and has worked in electronics ever since. He has been involved in church youth work, and has lead small groups in various settings for many years. He loves seeing people grow in their faith (Colossians 1v28). He also enjoys spending time with his wife and two children, walking, cycling, swimming or doing DIY.
Beth Rolfe is our women's pastoral worker. She is married with two grown up children. She is originally from Northern Ireland and became a Christian around the age of eleven. She has been a member of Abbey, together with her husband, for over 30 years. She was a primary school teacher before taking on her current role at Abbey.
"Bringing God's Message to Life in Abingdon"
One of the best ways to find out more about Abbey is to come along to our main Sunday service at 10.30am on Checker Walk, next to the old Abbey buildings (click here for a map). You will be very welcome indeed.
The morning service is designed to be friendly and accessible for all. It includes the provision of Venturers for primary-aged children to enjoy during the second half of the service. However, families are very welcome to remain together throughout the service if preferred.
We look forward to learning from God's word each week, so the talks always seek to be clear and relevant. We also enjoy delighting in God, sung worship and the privilege of prayer.
Policies, Documents and Affiliations
Data Protection Policy
Safeguarding Page
We are a Baptistic Evangelical Church. A summary of our doctrinal statement can be found here. Copies of our constitution and church handbook are available on request.
We are affiliated to the FIEC, AGBC(SE) and Affinity, and support several mission organisations, including Grace Baptist Mission and Open Doors.
We are a registered charity, no. 1176927.