Sermon archives
Completed sermon series from January 2016 are archived here for download. Recordings of previous series and one-off sermons are available on request. You can right click on the title of each sermon to save the MP3 file. Speaker is Simon Hutton unless otherwise stated.
Shining stars, secular society: Daniel, (September - December 2016 AM sermon series)
Shining stars (Philippians 2v15-16) 4.9.16
Resolved (Daniel 1) 11.9.16
The God of Heaven (Daniel 2) 18.9.16
The God we serve (Daniel 3) 25.9.16
Glory and honour (Daniel 4) 9.10.16
Our lives in God's hands (Daniel 5) 16.10.16
Daniel, Jesus, you (Daniel 6) 23.10.16
The everlasting kingdom (Daniel 7) 6.11.16
Back to the future (Daniel 8) 13.11.16
Rebellion, Repentance, Righteousness (Daniel 9) 20.11.16
Revelation of truth (Daniel 10) 27.11.16
Tragedy and trajectory (Daniel 11) 4.12.16
Shining like stars forever (Daniel 12) 11.12.16
The Lord's Prayer (September - December 2016 PM sermon series)
Prayer in the Spirit (Ephesians 6v18) 25.9.16
Teach us how to pray (Luke 11v1) 9.10.16
Our Father (Luke 11v2) 16.10.16
God's holy name (Luke 11v2) 23.10.16
Your kingdom come (Luke 11v2) 30.10.16
Daily bread (Luke 11v3), Adam Hawley 6.11.16
Forgiveness (Luke 11v4) 13.11.16
Avoid temptation (Luke 11v4) 20.11.16
Shameless audacity (Luke 11v5-8), Dan Bryant27.11.16
Ask, seek, knock (Luke 11v9-10) 4.11.16
God's good gifts (Luke 11v11-13), Adam Hawley11.11.16
The letter of 1 Peter (May - July 2016, while Simon was on sabbatical)
Know where you are going (1 Peter 1v1-12) Chris Kelly, 22.5.16 AM
Living as a Christian (1 Peter 1v13-2v3) Chris Kelly, 29.5.16 AM
The church: alive and glorious (1 Peter 2v4-10) Andrew Cook, 5.6.16 AM
Foreigners and pilgrims (1 Peter 2v11-17) Jim Sayers, 12.6.16 AM
The reason for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3v8-22) Jim Sayers, 26.6.16 AM
Be prepared (1 Peter 4v1-11) Chris Kelly, 3.7.16 AM
Sufferings (1 Peter 4v12-19) Chris Kelly, 10.7.16 AM
Grace within (1 Peter 5) John Lipp, 17.7.16 AM
Inexpressible: True Christian Joy (Mar - May 2016)
Inexpressible joy (1 Peter 1v8) 6.3.16 AM
Kingdom joy (Matthew 13v44) 13.3.16 AM
Spiritual joy (Galatians 5v22) 20.3.16 AM
Strength in joy (Nehemiah 8v10) 3.4.16 AM
Sustaining joy (2 Corinthians 1v24) 10.4.16 AM
Fellowship joy (1 John 1v4) 17.4.16 AM
Comprehensive joy (Philippians 4v4) 24.4.16 AM
Refined joy (James 1v2-4) 1.5.16 AM
Everlasting joy (Jude v24) 8.5.16 AM
Psalms 138 & 139 (Mar - May 2016)
Ultimate motivation (Psalm 138v1-5) Peter Akrill, 20.3.16 PM
Perfect concerns (Psalm 138v6-8) 27.3.16 PM
The all-seeing God (Psalm 139v1-6) 3.4.16 PM
Ever-present Spirit (Psalm 139v7-12) 17.4.16 PM
Wonderfully made (Psalm 139v13-16) 24.4.16 PM
Precious thoughts (Psalm 139v17-18) 1.5.16 PM
Reject to reflect (Psalm 139v19-24) 8.5.16 PM
Regeneration: John 3 (Jan - Feb 2016)
New life in Jesus (John 3v1-3) 10.1.16 AM
The Spirit of life (John 3v4-8) 17.1.16 AM
Understand, Accept, Believe! (John 3v9-15) 24.1.16 AM
Generation love (John 3v16-18) 31.1.16 AM
Love light (John 3v19-21) 7.2.16 AM
Regeneration realignment (John 3v22-30) 14.2.16 AM
Jesus is supreme (John 3v31-34) John Lipp, 21.2.16 AM
Regeneration rewards (John 3v35-26) 28.2.16 AM